I’m Tina.

Renowned Yoga and Mindfulness Teacher

Life Coach and speaker 

Devoted to helping busy overwhelmed moms be the women they most want to be.

What happened to that little girl with a fire in her belly that could do anything?

The girl who would jump off a 10 foot pier with glee. The girl who was going to become president…no wait…RULE THE WORLD! The girl who knew who she was, knew what she wanted, and had the confidence to stand tall and do anything.

Now, your life looks accomplished. You followed the rules to happiness and success. You know the ones. The rules that say: get an education, a good reliable job, buy a house in a nice neighborhood, get married, and have kids…and preferably in that order. But now that you have done all the “right” things, it doesn’t quite feel like you thought it would…does it?

Imagine if you could bring back the fire of that little girl? What would it be like to feel that sure of yourself, that free, that joyful again?

No more overthinking every single decision. “Do I want a latte or an americano misto from Starbucks?”

No more ruminating over and over again until 4am about why your boss hasn’t responded to your email yet. “Is he going to fire me, is he mad at me, did I overstep, what is he thinking!!!”

No more wondering if this is all there is. “Wake up, get up, do all the things, repeat.”

No more fear, anxiety, and overwhelm over all the things you can’t control. “Maybe if I think of every possible outcome, I’ll be okay. So, I better worry some more over this just to be sure.”

Listen, I know you don’t have time to run to an ashram or spend hours meditating on your inner child, I don’t either.

So much of what I have learned in the process of getting to the other side of overwhelm and anxiety to purpose, joy, and meaning are simple tools, that when done with consistency, can change your life.

More about me

It wasn’t until I became a bleary eyed mother and experienced PPA and PPD that my eyes were opened wide. The demands of balancing the overwhelming weight of being “a good mom” and maintaining any sense of Self took it’s toll on me.

I went from being an independent business owner completely in control of my time, to abruptly being everything to everyone while tethered to this new little precious life.

Nothing was like I thought it would be. I thought becoming a mom meant that I had to become different now too. I felt that I could no longer be “selfish” and go for a run, make a 2 hour hair appointment to get my highlights touched up, or even take a nap because all my time now had to be funneled to my family. Even work, my passion, felt like stolen hours from my “real” job of motherhood. I felt I could no longer want for myself. I was overwhelmed by the responsibility, exhausted by the lack of sleep, and felt completely alone. 

So many of us fall into this expectation of sacrificing our needs as though the birth of the mother means the death of the woman. This leaves little room for moms to remember who we are on a deep level, feel real joy, or a sense of true purpose outside of our family. And yet, that feeling of hollowness, the undercurrent of anxiety, and the ache for the fearless girl, is a reminder that You are still here.

I believe that our stress, anxiety, and overwhelm comes from the tension between our expectations and responsibilities to others and the lack of time and resources to connect to our Selves.

But where do you start when your To-Do list covers both sides of the page, you’re already falling down on the couch exhausted every night, and your days feel so full that adding one more thing feels impossible?

I have done the heavy lifting for you to find the best, most effective, and fastest tools and resources so you don’t have to. I’ve used them with hundreds of clients for years, and they are the same ones I use everyday for myself to create more purpose, joy, and calm. I know they’ll work for you too. 

Everything I offer is evidence-based drawing from Mindfulness, neuroscience, and Positive Psychology, and they all work in 20 minutes or less.

My mission is to help you lower stress, anxiety, and overwhelm so that you can live with more ease, joy, and purpose too.

There are many ways I can help you, no matter where you are on your path.

I make yoga and meditation easy!

One of my biggest missions is to make yoga and meditation accessible to busy women and moms, because we need it! I’ve been a Yoga and Mindfulness Teacher for 13 years to thousands of women and have witnessed the transformation of a daily yoga practice. But you don’t have to practice for hours to reap the benefits of these life changing practices.

I’m always offering resources on yoga and meditation. I make it easy by offering simple guided yoga videos and audio meditations that are all 20 minutes or less.

You can start practicing with me now by getting your free 5 Day Mind Body Reset which includes 5 days of quick and easy yoga and meditation practices to renew your body, revitalize your mind, and reconnect to your Self.

Official Bio

Tina Hnatiuk is a certified Life Coach from Erickson College and has been working with busy overwhelmed women for over 13 years. At the same time, she completed her 200 hour yoga teacher training through Gaiatri Yoga and has taken countless workshops over the years including a 40 hour teacher training with Nikki Doane and Eddie Modestini.

From the moment Tina started teaching yoga and Mindfulness she showed a talent for it. She quickly became a popular sought-after teacher and has taught at multiple yoga events including Sask Soul Fest, Prana Yoga Festival, and Camp Yoga.

After coaching women for many years, Tina saw trends that many women struggle with like boundaries, lack of clarity, and confidence which keep women living on the periphery of their lives instead of actively creating them. She saw women lacked the time, resources, and support to make any meaningful change even when they desperately wanted it. The Soul Strategy Sessions was created to help women gain courage, clarity, and confidence so that they can become the architects of their lives and become the women they most want to be.

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Tina also saw women were experiencing a dramatic increase in anxiety. Having struggled with panic attacks, PPA and PPD herself, she started researching the simplest, most effective tools to reduce anxiety in under 20 minutes a day. The Fearless Course was born, and over 76% of participants have lowered their anxiety by at least 20-40% and kept it there and boosts a 100% recommendation rate.

Join the waitlist below to find out when doors open up next.


Tina loves public speaking and sharing on topics like mental health, stress reduction, and Mindfulness at work. A few of the places she’s spoken at are the Regina Realtors Association for their annual meeting, Sask Polytech nursing department, and a Transition House fundraiser.

When Tina isn’t working you can find her learning how to alpine ski, running outside, and chasing her 4-year-old son Magnus.

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